Thursday, January 18, 2018

Gymnastics Competition: Getting Ready

Khloe's first gymnastics competition for this year is coming up. She moved up to Compulsory A/Women's Artistic Gymnastics Level 2 (Born 2009). Our experience from last years ODP (Ontario Development Program) armed us with enough ideas on how to prepare for this year's competition with less stress.

Having said that, here's a mom's point of thoughts on how parents/guardians of a newbie gymnast should take into consideration:

  • Competition is 4-5 hours long. This is from registration, march-in, warm-up, competition proper, to awarding. Be prepared for those long hours (as spectator/supporter/no. 1 fan). Concessions are usually available, but you are welcome to bring your own food/drinks if you have enough time to prepare. 
  • Be on the venue early. This would ensure a perfect spot for you to watch, and to prepare your gymnast and lessen their stress. As much as they look tough and ready, they still do have butterflies in their stomachs. (Some venues don't have enough room for spectators). It's a first come, first spot basis.
  • Bring your bouquet or flower or stuff toys. There's always someone who sells at the sideline where the awarding will be held, in case you forgot. Your gymnast will appreciate it surely. 
  • Make sure you packed their gym bag before leaving the house. Competition suit, scrunchie, training suit, socks, hockey tape, hair ties, hair spray, comb, snacks and water. Keep their hair as intact/tight as it could get. Between warm-ups and events, their hair could easily loosen up. Hair spray/gel/mousse is your bestfriend at this point. This needs to be all done before march-in. They have no time to fix it in between. I use this most of the time for Khloe's hair. It's a snap on bun.
  • Bring cash to pay to watch. They usually have a family-of-4 rate. 
  • Bring camera. They have official photographers (usually pre-arranged before comp proper). Still.. you are welcome to snap your own. 
  • Cheer, support, enjoy and have fun! It's your gymnast's time to shine. They worked hard for this moment.

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