Jr. Jungle Challenge
3rd/Last Competition for WAG Level 2 Age 9yo +
It's been an interesting journey, as our little gymnast faced this WAG Level 2 stage of her gymnastic life. The first competion, Chinese New Year Challenge (Home), was gut-wrenching --as it's our first time for this level. The second competition, Milton's Springer Challenge, was a confirmation of her skill set. And the third competition, Jr. Jungle Challenge, was a test of her strength and weaknesses. These are her Level 2 scores for all three competitions.
This competitive world is a revelation to Khloe, and even to us, her parents. It's a totally different environment from the PreComp last year. All these kids are still young to feel the pressure and the tension of competing, yet, it's already there. It's in the air, no matter how much the parents would deny it. And it's still surreal for me and my husband, as we are still in this oblivion that we are still in here for Khloe's joy.
But still, reality bites. The other parents could actually drag you into this competitive mode. Then, you find yourself checking out the real-time scores online. Then, you find yourself holding your breath everytime they start the dismount. Then, you check out the standing online. Then, you get scared of that 9.800 because somebody could still do better. Then, somebody beat that score and you lost hope on the over-all. Then your athelete screwed up on the bars. Fell off on the beam. Screwed up on the floor. Messed up on the vault. And finally... you started adding up the scores. And realized -- she hit that 37.000 + threshold again!! And you prayed Thank You. For her safety. For her good scores.
This has been the story of our lives the past few months since competition started. We came into this journey all blind. No expectations. No clue of what Khloe can do. Then, she pulled out all these medals since Day1. Gold. Silver. Bronze. She even had a certificate for Most Confident on Beam. At first.. we thought it's just a one-time achievement. But she pulled another sets of medals for the next competition. And another set of medals for her last competition. And what she can't believe is garnering that Gold/First Place medal for All-around on her last competition. It was her best triumph for this year. She was pretty proud of herself.
All-around is a huge deal. We realized that towards the end. The score kind of define your skill set, of where you are on all of these 4 events. It made Khloe realized that consistency is needed from her. That she has to stay on her game on every event, and try her best everytime. And she proved herself once more, that she can do it, even if that means not being first place on any/if not most or all of the events
This journey has taught Khloe a lot. She grew up so much, not just as an athlete, but as a girl who is determined to stay on the top of her game. This is notwithstanding the other activities she's into: acro, ballet & Math Club Classes; and consistent straight A's on her report card. Her gymnastics strength balances out the sensetive Khloe that she is, emotional, tearful & soft-hearted.
It's a humbling experience for her and for us. Whether or not she'll continue, is all up to her. But one thing is for sure, there's no pot of gold at the end of her rainbow, if she cannot weather the storm, first and foremost.